Fixed a lot of Bugs and added features

-changed camera perspective to show mor of the top screen

-added map item

-changed menu button "Exit" to "Exit Game"

-Changed Dialogue design and added headers to Dialogues

-Refactored Quest Logic

-reduced Orcs health and agility

-buffed Graveyard mobs

-added wall to graveyard

-hide cursor after 2 seconds

-Arena countdown

-changed active button color to make it more visible

-fixed fire nova attack z fighting

-changed main menu and forest soundtracks

-added quest icons

-added arena win sound

-refactored arena enemy spawners

-added quest rewards (XP and Gold)

-adjusted ingame message fadeout times

-changed font

-added colors to inspector

-added objectives

-added Vendor Market Stands

-changed road and village ground

-added controller icons and logic to select them based on controller

-resized load game list scrollbar

-added L/R UI Helpers

-removed fading from ingame menu(hopefully fixed a bug where the main menu doesnt show)

-added vendor and spell helper icon

-changed cursor orientation in equip window

-fixed controller stick input in inventory

-added bag switch sound

-added spell names and descriptions

-made spells selectable

-hide gold in inspector if value is 0

-changed stat progression on gear

-refactored enemy movement and targeting

Files 3.1 GB
Version 1 Feb 22, 2023

Get Legends of Dionysos

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